Thursday, June 28, 2007

A Good Night's Sleep

Nights spent tossing and turning can be relieved with a few simple modifications to your day.
  • Engage in exercise during the morning or afternoon -- not in the evening.
  • Stay away from all sources of caffeine after morning hours.
  • Eat lunches and dinners that are high in neurotransmitters -- turkey, salmon or legumes and whole wheat bread, brown rice or oats for example. These foods contain the necessary precursor needed to create melatonin and serotonin -- the hormone balance required for restful sleep.
  • Afternoon naps should be less than 30 minutes. Reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, by taking the time for a few deep belly breaths in late afternoon.
  • Avoid liquids, particularly alcohol, 90 minutes before bedtime.
  • Have a relaxing bedtime ritual such as litening to soft music, reading a good book, quiet conversation, talking to a pet, or journal writing.
  • Use calming aromatic fragrances such as clary sage, lavender, jasmine or rose in a bath or to scent your bedroom.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Aromatherapy is an ancient form of medicine that uses the essential oils of plants to affect the body, mind, and spirit. These extracted oils can be used in a number of ways -- massage, bath, inhalation, cream, compress -- to restore a state of well-being.

Popular Essential Oils and some of their uses:

Chamomile - digestive upsets, earaches, menstrual cramps, insomnia, eczema, colic, colitis, sprains

Clary Sage - anxiety, depression, PMS, stress related headaches, digestive disorders, tension

Eucalyptus - respiratory problems, colds, muscular aches and pains, cuts, burns, insect repellent

Jasmine - depression, sexual anxiety, nervous exhaustion, stress, uterine/menstrual pain

Lavender - acne, athlete's foot, sunburn, psoriasis, ringworm, wounds, depression, headache, stress

Peppermint - travel sickness, indigestion, nausea, fever, fainting, bad breath, migraine, congestion

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Therapeutic Touch to Promote Good Health

Massage can be relaxing, soothing, invigorating, pain relieving, and/or stress reducing -- done to improve overall health -- using various healing techniques.

Reflexology is a therapeutic touch technique in which the whole body can be treated by applying focused pressure on reflex zones in the feet and hands -- it is done to prevent illness and to encourage the body to heal by releasing blockages.

Swedish Massage is the basic method used in traditional massage using long flowing strokes, rubbing, tapping, deep kneading, and the movement of the joints.

Shiatsu involves the firm pressing of specific acupuncture points along the meridian channel to stimulate or sedate (balance) the flow of vital energy throughout the body.

Osteopathy uses massage and manipulative techniques to return balance to the skeletal, muscular, and nervous system -- based on the concept that the structure of the body must be correctly aligned in order to maintain good health.

Aromatherapy Massage combines the aromatic essential oils of plants with massage oil to further rejuvenate, revitalize, stimulate, calm or reduce stress and aid in the treatment of ailments while being massaged.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Foodborne Illness

How to make sure your kitchen
isn't likely to be a source of
serious stomach ailments

It seems hard to believe a food normally so good for you could make you so sick. But that's just what happened last winter, when a rash of illnesses broke out that were linked to consuming E. coli-contaminated fresh spinach. Since then, you've probably wondered what's safe to eat and what's not, and what you can do to protect yourself and your family from foodborne illnesses. Plenty, it turns out.

Foodborne-diseases cause roughly 76 milion illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations and about 5,000 deaths in the US each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. To avoid getting sick from contaminated foods, "you don't need to get paranoid; you just need to be careful," says Cynthia M. Yoshida, MD, a gastroenterologist in Charlottesville, VA, and author of No More Digestive Problems (Bantam). Thorough cooking normally kills most harmful bacteria, so the greatest risks are with raw or undercooked foods. (If you are immunocompromised or have liver disease, avoid risky foods such as raw shellfish and soft cheeses altogether, Dr. Yoshida advises.) To protect your family from foodborne illnesses, you'll want to take these five precautions in your kitchen:

1. Scrub like a surgeon. Lather up with warm water and soap from your fingernails to your wrists for 20 seconds, then dry your hands with paper towels. Wash your hands again whenever you change tasks -- for example, when you switch from cutting meat to making a salad.

2. Store raw meats safely. Place red meats, poultry and seafood on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. That way, their juices won't drip onto other foods and contaminate them.

3. Dedicate cutting boards. Use one board for meats and another for ready-to-eat foods like produce and breads -- and keep them separate. Wash them well with soap and hot water after each use.

4. Wash produce thoroughly. Even if the label on a bag of lettuce says it's triple-washed, rinse it in a colander for a few minutes. Do the same for all fruits and veggies.

5. Cook meats properly.
The best way to tell if meat or poultry is cooked thoroughly is to insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part. According to the American Dietetic Association, ground meats, roasts and steaks should be cooked to 160 degrees F., while chicken and turkey should be cooked to 180 degrees F. After each use, wash the thermometer thoroughly with hot, soapy water. Don't have a meat thermometer handy? "At least cut into the meat to make sure it's cooked through," Dr. Yoshida says. "And there should be no trace of pink in chicken or turkey."

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Fruits & Vegetables -- More Matters

Test your knowledge!

1. How many cups of fruits and veggies should most adults consume per day according to
a) 1-2
b) 2-3
c) 3.5 to 6.5

2. Gina is making a salad. On her plate she puts: 2 cups dark green lettuce, 1/2 cup diced cucumber and 1/2 cup diced tomato. How many cups of vegetables will she eat according to
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

3. Eric eats a bowl of oatmeal with a sliced banana. Then he enjoys 1 cup of orange juice. How many cups of fruit did he eat for breakfast?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

4. One of these snacks has 51 calories; the other has 162 calories. Which is which?
a) 1 ounce potato chips ___
b) 1 fresh orange, peeled ___

5. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables each day will help protect you from which of the following chronic diseases?
a) heart disease
b) diabetes
c) some forms of cancer
d) hypertension
e) stroke
f) all of the above

6. What is in fruits and vegetables that make them so beneficial to your health?
a) vitamins
b) minerals
c) fiber
d) phytochemicals
e) all of the above

7. Which of the following forms of fruits and vegetables does NOT provide fiber?
a) frozen
b) canned
c) dried
d) juice

8. If you are purchasing canned or frozen fruits and vegetables, you should check the label and ingredient list to avoid added:
a) fat
b) sodium
c) sugar
d) all of the above

9. Where should most fruits and vegetables be stored?
a) freezer
b) dark, cool place
c) refrigerator
d) counter

10. To avoid nutrient loss, which of the following cooking methods is best for vegetables?
a) steaming in a little water
b) frying in a lot of oil
c) boiling in water

1. c) 3.5 to 6.5 cups per day

2. d) 2 (the 2 cups of lettuce counts as 1 cup of veggies)

3. b) 2

4. a) has 162 calories and b) has 51 calories -- note how you get to eat a lot more food with the orange versus the potato chips and for far fewer calories, too!

5. f) all of the above

6. e) all of the above

7. d) juice (this refers to commercially prepared juices without the pulp)

8. d) all of the above. Canned or frozen fruits and vegetables can be very nutritious and excellent choices to boost your fruit and vegetable consumption, but you have to beware of added fat, sugar and sodium.

9. c) refrigerator -- with the exception of bananas and tomatoes

10. a) steaming in a little water

Monday, June 18, 2007

It's Not Candy, It's Heart Medicine

As little as two tablespoons of dark chocolate a day may be good for your heart. "Our research shows that chocolate makes blood platelets less sticky, which means they are less likely to form a blood clot. It may offer health benefits to people who are at risk for clots in their heart or brain blood vessels," says Nauder Faraday, MD, an associate professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Eight Steps to Fat Loss

It's a common practice to measure our ideal weight with a scale. However, this is not a definitive measure because it doesn't reflect how much of the body is muscle and how much is fat. What is important -- as far as health goes -- is the ratio of body fat to muscle mass.
  1. Don't Go on Unhealthy Fad Diets. Most diets don't work because the body thinks it's experiencing famine; so it slows down your metabolic rate.
  2. Eat Five Small Nutritious Meals Each Day. Keep blood sugar levels in balance by eating whole foods -- vegetables, fruit, legumes, grains, seeds.
  3. Drink Plenty of Pure Water. Oftentimes the urge to eat can be replaced by drinking a glass of water -- be sure it's pure water.
  4. Avoid Processed Food. Foods such as white flour / rice products, cereal pop & chips are low in nutrients and cause food cravings.
  5. Eat the Right Kind of Fat. Essential fatty acids found in raw nuts, seeds, leafy vegetables, flax oil and salmon help to reduce fat.
  6. Keep the Body Moving. Exercise doesn't have to be unpleasant -- find something you like to do that moves you, and do it often.
  7. Get Enough Sleep. Sleeping reduces stress that triggers binge eating, and increases the release of trimming HGH.
  8. Believe in Yourself. Being your ideal weight is a life long desire ... see it, believe it, live it, and be a trim, healthy you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Get Cultured!

Soy & fruit yogurt
can help you manage
blood sugar levels.

If you have type 2 diabetes, head to the store for yogurt made from soy or enriched with fruit, say researchers at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. These types of yogurt contain phenols and polyphenols -- chemical compounds that help moderate blood glucose levels.

"Soy yogurt and yogurt with fruit contain natural plant compounds that affect enzymes important in the digestion of sugar," says study leader Kalidas Shetty, PhD, professor of food biotechnology.

Medications that prevent a spike in blood-glucose levels often target these same enzymes -- alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase -- because the enzymes slow the body's digestion of sugars before they are absorbed by the small intestine. An important bonus: Phenol antioxidants not only block enzymes, helping prevent sugar spikes, they also provide overall cellular protection against free radicals (molecules that damage healthy cells).

"A fermented soy-based yogurt with blueberry is the absolute best," says professor Shetty. It's important, though, to check and see whether there's any added sugar in the yogurt: "Get as little as possible," he says.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Citrus Slimmers

Is there a connection
between the alarming rise in obesity
in the United States and the prevalence of
vitamin C deficiency in American adults?

Perhaps, say researchers at Arizona State University. Obesity has doubled over the past two decades, and the number of American adults whose bodies don't contain enough vitamin C has tripled.

"Vitamin C is needed to manufacture carnitine, which is required for preparing fat to be used as fuel," says Carol S. Johnston, PhD, RD, chair of the department of nutrition at Arizona State University.

"If carnitine levels fall because there's not enough vitamin C in tissues, fat cannot be used efficiently for fuel, and this eventually leads to increased adiposity." (That's obesity to you and me.)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Herbal Remedies

Alfalfa - builds strength and vitality; anti-inflammatory properties (anemia, arthritis)

- great blood purifier and cleanser; kidney & liver detoxifier (cancer, eczema, gout)

Catnip - gentle sedative effect; calms nerves; prevents spasms (hyperactivity, insomnia)

Cayenne - aids digestion; helps heal all cellular ulcers; herbal catalyst (bleeding, heart health)

Chickweed - soothing for most skin problems; blood toxicity; eyewash (acne, boils, psoriasis)

Cleavers - tonic for lymph system; inflammation of urinary organs (cystitis, VD, fevers)

Devil's Club - Excellent herb for controlling blood sugar; reduces cravings (diabetes, hypoglycemia)

Fennel - aids digestion; increases lactation; suppresses appetite (colic, gas, weight loss)

Fenugreek - expels mucus congestion; inflamed digestive tract (allergies, emphysema)

Horehound - treats respiratory complaints; stomach, liver, spleen tonic (asthma, colds, croup)

Oregano Oil - antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antiviral properties (candidiasis, ringworm)

Red Clover - blood cleanser; nerve tonic; healing degenerative disease (AIDS, cancer, leukemia)

St. John's Wort - antidepresssant; reduces anxiety & fear; fights off viruses (depression, HIV, colds)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How to Get Energy!

Energy and good health go hand in hand. The more good things you do for your body, the healthier you will be and the more energy you will have.
  1. Eat the Right Kind of Food. A diet of whole, fresh, organic food is what you should eat all the time for optimal health and energy. Avoid processed food, e.g., chips, muffins, cereals, pop. And drink lots of purified water -- between meals -- 8 to 10 large glasses.
  2. Digest Your Food. It is very important that the food you eat gets digested properly. Chew food thoroughly and don't drink during meals. Eating food according to the principles of food combining helps. Bitters or digestive enzymes can be used to aid digestion.
  3. Stay Active. A body in motion stays in motion. Find something moving that you like to do, and do it often. Exercise generates energy if the body is well nourished.
  4. Handle Stress. You can't avoid it, so learn to deal with it. There are natural therapies, supplements, and medicines that can help your body's ability to handle stress.
  5. Listen to Your Body. If you need to make a change, do a cleanse, take a holiday, get more sleep, or spend more time laughing, talking, or crying with a loved one -- do it!

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.
Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.
--Helen Keller

Monday, June 04, 2007

More People Are Now at Risk for High Blood Pressure

According to new guidelines issued in May 2003 by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), you may be one of 45 million Americans (in addition to the 50 million who already have hypertension) who has prehypertension. Here is what you need to know:

What is hypertension?
Blood pressure is the force of blood against the artery walls. If it stays elevated over a period of time, you have high blood pressure or hypertension. A blood pressure of 140/90 is considered high. If your blood pressure is between 120/80 and 139/89 then you are said to have prehypertension. This means that you are at risk for developing high blood pressure in the future.

Who should be concerned?
Everyone should be concerned about their blood pressure. People who do not have it by age 55 still have a 90% chance of developing it during their lifetime.

Why is high blood pressure dangerous to your health?
High blood pressure is dangerous because it makes your heart work harder. It increases your risk for cardiovascular disease, dementia and kidney disease.

How do you lower your blood pressure?
According to the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) sodium trial, the most important thing you can do is to eat a low-sodium, DASH-style diet. It is also important to exercise, maintain a healthful weight and limit alcohol.

Take a look below to learn about the DASH diet.

Make DASH Work for You!

The DASH eating plan includes whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts, and has low amounts of fats, red meats, sweets and sugared beverages. It is also high in potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as protein and fiber.

It is helpful to write down what you eat for several days or weeks to see how you are doing. Here are common serving sizes:
  • Grains: 1/2 cup of cooked grain product like rice, pasta, oatmeal or barley, 1 slice of bread or 1 ounce dry cereal.
  • Fruits and vegetables: 1/2 cup chopped fruits or vegetables, 1 cup leafy greens, 1 medium fruit, 1/4 cup dried fruit or 3/4 cup 100% juice.
  • Dairy: 1 cup of skim milk or nonfat yogurt
  • Protein: 2-3 ounces lean meat, poultry or fish, 4 egg whites, 1/2 cup cooked beans, 2 tablespoons nut butter, 1/3 cup nuts

Daily Servings for a 2,000-Calorie Diet:

Grains and Grain Products: 7-8
Vegetables: 4-5
Fruits: 4-5
Lowfat or Nonfat Dairy: 2-3
Meat, Poultry and Fish: 2 or fewer
Nuts, Seeds and Beans: 4-5/week
Added Fat: 2-3
Sweets: Limit to 5/week

This diet is higher in fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy products than what most people are used to eating. It is also lower in sweets.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Healthy Bones

Steps To Head Off Osteoporosis

By 2020, one in two Americans over age 50 will have or be at high risk for developing osteoporosis unless they start taking better care of their bones, warns the latest US Surgeon General's report on bone health and osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones and makes them easy to break. Ten million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis and another 34 million are at risk.

"Most osteoporosis fractures themselves do not cause death, but they are responsible for serious disability, pain and suffering," says Dr. Susan M. Ott, a bone specialist at the University of Washington. "After a hip fracture, many people who were independent have trouble walking and must move to a nursing home. Vertebral (spine) fractures cause height loss, a disfiguring curve and may cause some difficulty breathing."

Who's at risk?
Many factors can raise the risk of osteoporosis, including being female, menopause, a small or thin build, a family history of fractures, being Caucasian or Asian, smoking, excessive alcohol intake, and taking some medications. Moreover, aging itself reduces bone density and weakens bones.

"Aging accounts for 0.5% to 1% bone loss per year after age 60. And women can lose 1% to 3% bone mass per year for up to 10 years following menopause," explains Kathy M. Shipp, a physical therapy specialist at Duke University. Luckily, just as with retirement savings, you can plan ahead to maximize how much bone you have "in the bank."

Reduce your risk
You reach your peak bone mass by age 20. The good news, says Jeri W. Nieves, a nutrition and bone health expert at Columbia University, is that healthy lifestyle choices promote bone building in youth and strengthens bones in adulthood. A key way to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis is banking enough calcium and vitamin D.

"Calcium helps to preserve bone mass at any age," explains Nieves. You need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day if you're under 50 and 1,200 milligrams if you're older. For vitamin D, 200 to 600 IU (International Units) daily is currently recommended, although research suggests that many people may need 1,000 IU per day for optimal bone health.

Eat your calcium
Rich sources of calcium include milk, leafy green vegetables, soybeans, canned salmon or sardines with bones, yogurt, and cheese. Vitamin D is produced in the skin by exposure to the sun and is found in fatty fish (e.g., mackerel, salmon) and fortified foods, including milk and some brands of soy milk, rice milk, orange juice, yogurt, breakfast cereals and energy bars. If you can't meet your daily requirements, ask your doctor about supplementation.

Weighing in
Maintaining a healthy weight and staying physically active are key factors, too. Being underweight raises the risk of fractures and bone loss.

"Exercise can help maintain bones even into your 90s and beyond, and it builds balance and coordination, which can help minimize the risk of falls and fractures," says Shipp. Adults need at least 30 minutes a day of exercise and kids need 60 minutes, emphasizing weight-bearing or resistive exercise (e.g., walking, push-ups, weight training), which is best for strengthening bones.

Check your bones
If you really want to know your chances of developing osteoporosis, get a bone mineral density test, which measures bone density in different parts of the body using x-rays or sound waves. If results show low bone density, your doctor can prescribe special calcium and vitamin D supplements or medications that help slow down bone loss or increase bone mass.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Some Good Food Sources of Minerals

Calcium - Cheese, collard, sardines, goat's milk, cow's milk, broccoli, almonds, bok choy, soy foods, dandelion greens, brazil nuts, kelp, sunflower seeds, carob, spinach

Magnesium - Wheat bran/germ, almonds, cashews, pecan, walnuts, soy flour, millet, brown rice, chocolate, green leafy vegetables, avocado, dried apricots, legumes, natural honey

Potassium - Kelp, apricots, legumes, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, almonds, raisins, parsley, brazil nuts, dates, figs, avocado, bananas, potatoes, green leafy vegetables, yams

Iron - Brewer's yeast, blackstrap molasses, asparagus, nuts/seeds, fish, organ meats, green vegetables, kelp, whole grains, beef, millet, parsley, raisins, legumes, eggs

Copper - Shellfish, raw nuts/seeds, legumes, whole grains, liver, avocado, raisins

Manganese - Nuts, whole grains, sunflower seeds, legumes, carrots, bananas, spinach, alfalfa

Zinc - Shellfish, pumpkin seeds, brazil nuts, fish, meat, whole grains, brewer's yeast

Chromium - Brewer's yeast, beef, liver, whole grains, fresh chili, shellfish, potatoes with skin

Selenium - Garlic, fish, lamb, whole grains, brazil nuts, broccoli, swiss chard, turnips, onions

Eating words has never given me indigestion.
-- Winston Churchill