Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Tame Allergies the Natural Way

Your runny nose and watery eyes
remind you every day that
allergy season isn't quite over yet.

And you've probably tried much of what the drugstore has to offer. What you may not know is that there are proven natural remedies to squelch your symptoms.
  • Butterbur (Petasites Hydridus). Several studies confirm this European herb's ability to ease hay fever symptoms. In two studies, Swiss researchers examined 460 people, and confirmed that butterbur was as effective as popular over-the-counter remedies for calming allergies. The herb contains compounds that inhibit production of leukotrienes, which help trigger inflammation when you're exposed to allergens. What to take: Petadolex, available in health food stores. Follow label directions.
  • Nettle (Urtica Dioica). This herb's leaves contain compounds which inhibit inflammation, although researchers aren't exactly sure how they work. In one study, 58% of those who took nettle said it relieved their symptoms, compared to 37% of those who took a sugar pill. What to take: Freeze-dried nettle leaf capsules, available in health food stores. Follow label directions.
  • Homeopathy. The practitioners of this 200-year-old medical system believe that a tiny dose of a substance that, in normal amounts, causes symptoms in a healthy person, will quell those same symptoms in a sick person. Researchers at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona, gave a homeopathic blend of highly diluted local pollens or a placebo to 40 people with moderate to severe seasonal allergies. After four weeks, symptoms of those who took the homeopathic remedy had improved significantly. What to take: Dolimed spray by Dolisos. Call (800) 365-4767 for a retailer near you. Or consult a homeopath for a tailor-made cure. See homeopathic.org for more info.
  • Probiotics are "good" bacteria that already live in your body. They can help reduce allergy symptoms by clinging to and strengthening the lining of nasal passages, which prevent invading pollens and allergens from entering your system. You can supplement your body's probiotic colonies by eating yogurt containing live, active cultures. What to take: Stony Field Farm French Vanilla nonfat yogurt is one of several brands that have live cultures. Or you can take probiotic supplements to augment your own supply of these beneficial microorganisms. Good brands include RGarden's Inner Garden Flora. See rgarden.net/nutrition for more info.

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